Puffy’s All-Call for Kindness!
EXTRA! EXTRA! All-Call For Kindness!
Positive News is something to SHOUT OUT LOUD about! This space is dedicated to celebrating children and young adults with chronic illnesses and their families who go above and beyond to spread kindness throughout our world. May you be inspired by these kids, siblings, young adults, parents, and extended family members, who, despite all they endure, rise above and care for others in their communities through their chronically caring acts of kindness!
October 10, 2021
Bridget is a 20-year-old who is going places; she is a junior in college who is double majoring in Biology and Psychology. These degrees will help her achieve her long-term goal of becoming a genetic counselor. For those who are unfamiliar, genetic counselors translate genetic test results for patients. It is the job of the counselor to take this information and help patients make the tough decisions related to both their families, and possible treatments. When she isn’t working towards her long-term goals, Bridget reads books, hangs out with friends, and calls her family. Oh, and she is the co-president of her college acapella group, and an RA for freshmen.
September 2, 2021
EXTRA! EXTRA! All-Call For Kindness!
Positive News is something to SHOUT OUT LOUD about! Learn how we all can spread kindness throughout our world. May you be inspired by these kids, siblings, young adults, parents, and extended family members, who, despite all they endure, rise above and care for others in their communities through their chronically caring acts of kindness!
August 2, 2021
Asher is an 11-year-old fifth grader with impeccable character! We are so proud to share his story. This kid has a huge heart and caringly shares it with many other children. Asher knows what it feels like to need help and support. He grew up with systemic on-set juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA).
July 1, 2021
FiFi's JOY for life soars as high, maybe higher, than a cheerleader flyer. She is so excited to be on her cheerleading team. FiFi also spreads that joy around through all her kind acts and volunteer work. Her energy and positive spirit is so up-lifting.
June 1, 2021
Abbie Grace's passion is dance and life is her song. She dances because it is one thing she can do for herself and it brings her immense joy.
May 1, 2021
Maci saw a need and took action, so that other children with chronic illness would receive comfort while going through medical tests! At the young age of 10, she is always thinking of others.
April 1, 2021
Courtney is definitely "going places"! She has a heart that constantly thinks about giving to other children and those who are elderly. While she might be young, she is wise beyond her years and uses her voice to advocate with wisdom.
February 28, 2021
Gronk the dog takes good care of his chronically caring kid, Westin! This kid may only be 4-years-old, but his heart is bigger than most. He is full of life and joy. He shares that joy with his brothers, mommy and daddy, and his two dogs. All who witness his kindness instantly are filled with JOY!
February 1, 2021
This "chronically caring kid" is our very first Kid Advisor. Welcome to our Purple Playas Advisory Team Kayden. The voice of children is incredibly important to us!
December 1, 2020
Gavin shares his bravery by boosting other kids' bravery through his infusion clinic bravery prizes.
November 2, 2020
Another young lady with chronic illness, named Hannah, nominated Ava for our Purple Playas’ Chronically Caring Kids stories. When they were younger, they often sat together in the infusion room receiving treatment. So when asked, “What do you think of when you think of Ava,” she said, “She is BRAVE; Ava’s stronger today than her storms.”
October 1, 2020
Meet 15 years old Gavin. One of his nurses nominated him to be featured in as a “Chronically Caring Kids” because she feels he is a perfect example of someone who, despite his challenges in life, gives back to his community, spreads kindness, and fills a room with joy.
September 1, 2020
Random Acts of Kindness one "Reagan's Wish" at a Time!
August 1, 2020
Mitchell is a shining example of living life fully and joyfully no matter the hurdles.
July 1, 2020
Kayla’s positive energy is so contagious because after talking to her you just want to go out there and do something good. Kayla said, “Strangely enough, living with a chronic illness has given me a very positive perspective on life. I think that I don’t take things for granted, and I am able to feel empathy for people who know what I am going through. And I was even able to start my own non-profit through this, Kayla Cares 4 Kids.”
June 1, 2020
Meet Braelyn (16 years old); he is one strong, joyful teen with an amazing dimpled smile. When he was born, he had no health concerns. At the age of 5 months old, he contracted meningitis, which resulted in multiple health issues and ultimate diagnoses. He has hydrocephalus, chewing/swallowing difficulties, neurological impairment, seizure disorder, and a compromised immune system.
May 4, 2020
Emily is a young adult with a great perspective on life! Emily was diagnosed with Systemic Onset Juvenile Rhuematoid Arthritis (“JRA”), at the age of 6 years old. When Emily was younger, she experienced rashes, joint pain and swelling. Often times she was unable to walk as a result of the overwhelming pain. Now at 19, her Arthritis is a bit more manageable as long as she avoids over exertion of her body and plans ahead for activities. Sometimes Emily still has aches and pains at night depending on what activity she did that day and also depending on the weather conditions.
April 5, 2020
There are so many amazing kids out there who spread kindness and love into this world; and this month we are celebrating TJ (13 years old). This teenager was diagnosed with crohns, colitis, and ethesitis-related juvenile arthritis at 8 years old. While these chronic illnesses have been difficult to endure, TJ also knows how important it is to live life to it’s fullest despite challenges.
March 1, 2020
Meet Trent (14 years old), a young teenage boy who just wants to have fun! Trent has dealt with chronic health problems since he was only 5 years old, after being diagnosed with juvenile psoriatic arthritis. However, that was just the beginning of his health journey. Over the next few years, Trent was also diagnosed with crohn’s disease, Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome, POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), kidney dysfunction, asthma and anemia.
February 3, 2020
Meet Makena (13 years old), a sweet girl with so much love in her heart! She is one of the most caring children we have ever met. For much of her life she has been a caregiver to others. Her brother was diagnosed with chronic illness 10 years ago and her best friend battled cancer her entire young life. Makena quietly and proudly gave all her love to these two, never knowing that her own body was beginning to brew up its own fierce battle.