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  • Wow!  What a surprise I received today. Thank you to the Purple Playas Foundation for the sweet card and gas card gift. What a special surprise!!!  It will help.

    Thank you very much!

  • I read him the book, “When Purple Puff Gets Scared, Tucker Turtle Teaches Him How to Be Brave”. I couldn’t believe how much it helped Daniel feel at ease. Daniel then told me he was ready to have the surgery and be “brave”.

  • He was very excited about the cape and Puffy! And he was able to earn his first badge after getting his...shot yesterday!

    (btw, he LOVED that Puffy has glasses just like him!)

    Child Life Specialist
  • This little girl was here for a counseling session…we’ve been working on coping skills and self-regulation for a while with her. I came into her counseling session …to introduce your coping kit.  We read the book about Tucker Turtle and Puff, and I used the scented lip balm on the pinwheel, like Parker showed us, to teach her how to “smell the flower and blow the pinwheel” to self-regulate and calm down when upset.

    She loved it!  Wish I had a video of how excited she was!

    Child Life Specialist
  • Thank you so much. We received the coping kit, and my kiddo loved it!  He has tears in his eyes. I think the feeling just to be understood and seen was amazing for him. He loved it all.

    He was even excited about the ice pack and band-aid holder because he does injections.


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